AcuityView - Tanner’s Presentation

Load the following libraries:

## Loading required package: AcuityView
## Loading required package: magrittr
## Loading required package: fftwtools
## Loading required package: imager
## Attaching package: 'imager'
## The following object is masked from 'package:magrittr':
##     add
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     convolve, spectrum
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     frame
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     save.image

For this assignment we needed to examine 5 species of choice and a common prey item of theirs. I chose:

  1. Cat and Mouse
  2. Opossum and Tick
  3. Brown Hawker and Horsefly
  4. Japanese Pufferfish and Marine Snail
  5. Human and Corn

I uploaded an image of a Mouse, because my species of interest is a Cat (Felis catus)

Examine the dimensions of the image

  • We want the dimensions set to the power of 2 (or squared)
  • We will change the dimensions to 512 x 512
Mouse <- load.image("mouse.jpg")
## [1] 1200 1279    1    3
Mouse <- resize(Mouse, 512, 512)
## [1] 512 512   1   3

Below is the acuity of a Cat, the eye resolution (MRA) was calculated by (1/CPD)

  • That information was stated in Tanner’s attached papers; the CPD values were listed
  • Three different images were made at 1, 2, and 3 inches away
AcuityView(photo = Mouse, distance = 1, realWidth = 4, eyeResolutionX = 0.1, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Cat1in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Cat1in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Mouse, distance = 2, realWidth = 4, eyeResolutionX = 0.1, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Cat2in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Cat2in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Mouse, distance = 3, realWidth = 4, eyeResolutionX = 0.1, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Cat3in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Cat3in.jpg

Cat at 1inch

Cat at 2inches

Cat at 3inches

Next we will upload an image of a Tick and resize it to 512 x 512

  • The next species I examined was the Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Tick <- load.image("Tick.jpg")
Tick <- resize(Tick, 512, 512)

Below is the acuity of a Opossum, the eye resolution (MRA) was calculated by (1/CPD)

  • That information was given in Tanner’s attached papers
  • Three different images were made at 1, 2, and 3 inches away
AcuityView(photo = Tick, distance = 1, realWidth = 0.2, eyeResolutionX = 0.402, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Opossum1in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Opossum1in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Tick, distance = 2, realWidth = 0.2, eyeResolutionX = 0.402, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Opossum2in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Opossum2in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Tick, distance = 3, realWidth = 0.2, eyeResolutionX = 0.402, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Opossum3in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Opossum3in.jpg

Opposum at 1inch

Opposum at 2inches

Opposum at 3inches

Upload an image of a Horse Fly and resize it to 512 x 512

  • The next species I examined was the Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis)
Horse_fly<-resize(Horse_fly, 512, 512)

Below is the acuity of a Brown Hawker, the eye resolution (MRA) was calculated by (1/CPD)

  • That information was given in Tanner’s attached papers
  • Three different images were made at 1, 2, and 3 inches away
AcuityView(photo = Horse_fly, distance = 1, realWidth = 1, eyeResolutionX = 1.59, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "BHin.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to BHin.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Horse_fly, distance = 2, realWidth = 1, eyeResolutionX = 1.59, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "BH2in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to BH2in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Horse_fly, distance = 3, realWidth = 1, eyeResolutionX = 1.59, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "BH3in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to BH3in.jpg

Brown Hawker at 1inch

Brown Hawker at 2inches

Brown Hawker at 3 inches

Upload an image of a Marine Snail and resize it to 512 x 512

  • The next species I examined was a Japanese Puffer fish (Takifugu chrysops)
Marine_snail<-resize(Marine_snail, 512, 512)

Below is the acuity of a Japanese Pufferfish, the eye resolution (MRA) was calculated by (1/CPD)

  • That information was given in Tanner’s attached papers
  • Three different images were made at 1, 2, and 3 inches away
AcuityView(photo = Marine_snail, distance = 1, realWidth = 2, eyeResolutionX = 0.24, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Puffer1in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Puffer1in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Marine_snail, distance = 2, realWidth = 2, eyeResolutionX = 0.24, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Puffer2in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Puffer2in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Marine_snail, distance = 3, realWidth = 2, eyeResolutionX = 0.24, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "Puffer3in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to Puffer3in.jpg

Pufferfish at 1inch

Pufferfish at 2inches

Pufferfish at 3 inches

Lastly, upload an image of Corn (favorite food of an Iowa native) and resize it to 512 x 512

  • The next species I examined was a Human (Homo sapiens)
Corn<-resize(Corn, 512, 512)

Below is the acuity of a Human, the eye resolution (MRA) was calculated by (1/CPD)

  • That information was given in Tanner’s attached papers
  • Three different images were made at 1, 2, and 3 inches away
AcuityView(photo = Corn, distance = 1, realWidth = 1, eyeResolutionX = 0.0156, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "human1in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to human1in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Corn, distance = 2, realWidth = 1, eyeResolutionX = 0.0156, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "human2in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to human2in.jpg
AcuityView(photo = Corn, distance = 3, realWidth = 1, eyeResolutionX = 0.0156, eyeResolutionY = NULL, plot = T, output = "human3in.jpg")
## To save the side-by-side image, use a command like this before closing the device:
## dev.copy(jpeg,file="sidebyside.jpg")
## The results are complete.  The output file has been saved to human3in.jpg

Human at 1inch

Human at 2inches

Human at 3 inches