1. Find comma "," and replace with "nothing"
2. Find \s{3,5} and replace with comma space ", "
1. Find \s\w.\s and replace with two spaces " "
2. Find (\w+), (\w+) and replace with (\2 \1)
3. Find (\w+\d) and replace with \(\1)
4. Find (\w{3})(/r) and replace with (\1\)
5. Find \s{2,} and replace with a single space " "
1. Find , \w+ \w+ and replace with "nothing"
1. Find , (\w)\w{5,}"space" and replace with , \1_\2
1. Find , (\w)\w{5,}"space" and replace with , \1_\2
2. Find (\w_)(\w{3})(\w+) and replace with \1\2.
1. Downloaded Xenopus laevis file from NCBI
2. used the command: grep '^>' rna.fna > Xenopus_headers.txt
so grep prints the lines that
start with >
. The ^
regular expression
specifies that is it the start of a line. Those results are then printed
into a new file called Xenopus_headers.txt. Above shows the beginning of
the txt file.1. sed 's/>/ \n>/g' rna.fna | sed -n '/rRNA/,/^ /p' > rRNA.txt
in the sed command replaces all occurrences of the
string in the line. Then the pipe passes the output from the ‘rna.fna’
file to the second command, with the -n
option and the
print flag, which displays the printed lines only once
that include rRNA. Then this new information is printed in a new file
called rRNA.txt.